Back from the dead
Jag har kommit tillbaka till ett manskligt tillstand igen...vaknade i torsdags morse med huvudvark som sedna blev migrane. Natten till fredagen tillbringades trevligt nog med att kora Gustavbergs expressen.... Gud vad jag hatar att ha migran. Jag har haft det sedan jag var 5 ar. Men det ar battre nu for tiden. En fordela med att bli aldre i alla fall.
Jag har dom starkaste tabletterna och aven sprutor som jag ska ta med det hjalper inte. Det ar so att ata godis. Men men nu ar det forhoppningsvis over for denna gangen.
I have return from the dead. I woke up Thursday morning with headache, than at lunch time it become migrane. The night to Friday, I sended on the toilette vomiting, nice... GOD I hate migrane. I ahve had it sence i was 5 years old. But it is going better the older I get. At least one good thing to being older. I ahve the strongest pills ther is and injections that i shall use, but it is not helping at all, i can eat some candy insted. But i hope it is over for this time now.
Jag har dom starkaste tabletterna och aven sprutor som jag ska ta med det hjalper inte. Det ar so att ata godis. Men men nu ar det forhoppningsvis over for denna gangen.
I have return from the dead. I woke up Thursday morning with headache, than at lunch time it become migrane. The night to Friday, I sended on the toilette vomiting, nice... GOD I hate migrane. I ahve had it sence i was 5 years old. But it is going better the older I get. At least one good thing to being older. I ahve the strongest pills ther is and injections that i shall use, but it is not helping at all, i can eat some candy insted. But i hope it is over for this time now.
Postat av: michael
Is is really unbelieveble how good your Dutch became after such a short time. You have spend hours and hours alone with Sofia because I had to work but it was no problem at all. Unbelieveble Tina, so fluent after such a short while1
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