Det bästa med veckan var nog att min magkatarr tog semester i slutet av veckan. otroligt skönt att inte må illa och ha kramp i magen.
Jag tvingade Michael varje dag att gå ca 1 mil varje morgon i alla backarna. Men det var skönt. Tror även M tyckte det. Vi hade All inclisive hotell så det var bra att röra lite på sig....
Bilderna är hotellet (bilden tagen nere från centrum). Sedan är det favo baren där vi var typ varje dag. Sedan M som inte dricker öl hemma alls.
The best thing with the hole week were that my gastric catarrh took holiday to, at least in the end of the week. Such a nice feeling that not have cramp in my stomach and don't have the feeling that i want to vomit all the time. I forced Michael everyday to walk 10 km with me in all the hills. It was really nice i have to say. I think Michael agree to. We had a All inclusive hotel so i think we needer to move our asses a bit.....
The photos are the hotell ( photos is taken from the center) And than is it our favorite bar, we were there everyday. And the last on is M, he never drinks beer at home....
Det ser helt underbart ut!!!